Antonio Lioy - CV and scientific work

Antonio Lioy holds a "laurea" (a.k.a. MSc) in Electronic Engineering and a PhD in Computer Engineering.

Currently he is Full Professor at the Politecnico di Torino where he is in charge of several courses and leads the activities of the TORSEC research group.

His research interests were originally in the field of computer-aided testing of digital circuits, where he achieved interesting results in the areas of fault collapsing and automatic test generation.

Nowadays, he is interested in the security of information and communication technologies, with specific emphasis on PKI, e-identity, secure network applications, and policy-based and ontology-based design of the protection for large information systems.

For more information, you can read a more lengthy curriculum vitae (last updated on Wednesday, 07-Sep-2022 15:46:06 ) that lists also his most recent publications.

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