Objective: PoSecCo aims to develop techniques and tools for the semi-automatic design of the security architecture of Future Internet applications. This goal is pursued via two diffrent approaches: (A) based on knowledge of the target ICT system and the security policy to enforce, find the optimal solution in terms of configuration of the security controls; (B) given a system configured by PoSecCo, provide the hooks needed by an auditor to demonstrate compliance via traceback from the actual configuration to the original requirements.
Partners: beside the Politecnico di Torino, several other partners are taking part to this project, including SAP (technical leader), Atos, Deloitte, IBM, and Thales. For a full list, please refer to the project web site.
Funding: the project is funded by the European Commission under FP7 with 7 M€ under contract FP7-ICT-2009-5 257129.
Duration: 36 months (October 2010 - September 2013)
Project web site: www.posecco.eu
TORSEC brings to PoSecCo its knowledge in the field of security policy definition and manipulation, with the related experience in the Positif and Deserec projects.
As a natural consequence, TORSEC leads the workpackage developing the SDSS (Security Design Support System) that uses policies to guide the semi-automatic design of the security solution. Additionally, TORSEC is also involved in the definition of the security policies and the description of the architecture and security capabilities of the target ICT system.
Last modified on Wednesday, 12-Oct-2011 08:45:56