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The TClouds project

Politecnico di Torino logo and link to home page
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Objective: TClouds aims to develop techniques and tools for the design and deployment of trustworthy cloud computing infrastructures. Special emphasis is put on privacy protection in cross-border infrastructures and on ensuring resilience against failures and attacks. TClouds will build a prototype Internet-scale cloud infrastructure which offers virtualised computing, network, and storage resources to provide scalability and cost-efficiency.

Partners: beside the Politecnico di Torino, several other partners are taking part to this project, including IBM (technical leader), Technikon (coordinator), and Philips. For a full list, please refer to the project web site.

Funding: the project is funded by the European Commission under FP7 with 7.5 M€ under contract FP7-ICT-2009-5 257243.

Duration: 36 months (october 2010 - september 2013)

Project web site:

The role of TORSEC

TORSEC brings to TClouds its knowledge in the field of trusted computing and network security. The group is involved in ...

Last modified on Sunday, 16-Oct-2011 18:39:54

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